


ZhinaWiki is serving as a non-profit news publishing platform, accepts the submission of any documents, reports or tips from various sources and independent journalists regarding to the following topics:

  • Human right violations in the authoritarian state of the People's Republic of China (a.k.a China).
  • Public corruption in China.
  • Cyber crimes (ex. Intrusions / Hacking) sponsored or on behalf of the Communist Party of China (a.k.a CPC / CCP / GCD), which is the permanent ruling party under the current version of the Constitution of China.
  • Participation of cyber-bullying or cyber-harassment campaigns sponsored or on behalf of the CCP.

Since we are unlikely if not possible, to bring those people who involved in such activities into the current legal system of China, this site also serves as a Hall of Shame in hope of their involvements could be properly documented and one day be useful.

The official languages of this site are:

  • English (For official and legal affairs only)
  • Simplified Chinese (简化字)
  • Traditional Chinese (正體中文)

Although we implemented the automated machine translation feature, it might not be reliable in most cases.


For general readers: All the information on this website is published by a voluntary association of individuals and groups. Although we tried our best to maintain the content qualities, we, ZhinaWiki however does not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website is strictly at your own risk. The website will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website.

For independent journalists and content creators: By submitting articles to this website, you agree that you are liable for any legal disputes arising from your work. Therefore, we would like you to ensure the accuracy of the work and avoid any copyright issues to the best of your knowledge.

中文 (简化字)

ZhinaWiki 是一个非营利性新闻发布平台,接受从各种来源及独立记者的提交的任何与以下主题相关的文件、报告或线索:

  • 在中华人民共和国(又称:中国)集权统治下的人权泯灭。
  • 在中国的公职腐败。
  • 代表当前中国宪法所规定的永久执政党的“中国共产党”(又称:CPC、CCP、GCD)或由其支持的虚拟犯罪(如:骇客入侵)。
  • 参与由 CCP 支持或代表其的网络霸凌与骚扰。



  • 英语 (仅在官方和法律事务使用)
  • 中文 (简化字)
  • 中文 (正体中文)



对于普通读者:本网站上的所有信息由个人和团体自愿发布。虽然我们尽力维持内容品质,但是,我们 ZhinaWiki不对这些信息的完整性,可靠性和准确性作出任何保证。您对于在本网站上找到的信息采取的任何行动都是自负责任。如果您因使用这些信息而产生的任何损失或伤害,该网站不会负责。


中文 (正體中文)

ZhinaWiki 是一個非營利性新聞發布平台,接受從各種來源及獨立記者的提交的任何與以下主題相關的文件、報告或線索:

  • 在中華人民共和國(又稱:中國)集權統治下的人權泯滅。
  • 在中國的公職腐敗。
  • 代表當前中國憲法所規定的永久執政黨的“中國共產黨”(又稱:CPC、CCP、GCD)或由其支持的虛擬犯罪(如:駭客入侵)。
  • 參與由 CCP 支持或代表其的網絡霸凌與騷擾。



  • 英語 (僅在官方和法律事務使用)
  • 中文 (簡化字)
  • 中文 (正體中文)



對於普通讀者:本網站上的所有信息由個人和團體自願發布。雖然我們盡力維持內容品質,但是,我們 ZhinaWiki 不對這些信息的完整性,可靠性和準確性作出任何保證。您對於在本網站上找到的信息採取的任何行動都是自負責任。如果您因使用這些信息而產生的任何損失或傷害,該網站不會負責。


中文 (蛆体)


